Why Would You Be a Writer?

There are quiet people and loud people.  Which are you?  A great combination is a person who not only is prone to say something but who has some

We have talking and we have listening in a relationship, even with God.

Don’t we truly want to know our God in a more real way. It’s difficult for a human to lay it all out for someone we haven’t seen or touched or watched. We can easily and quickly turn to a friend, a father or mother, or just another person that will listen to us and sit in front of us. We will text a virtual stranger and open our hearts up to them fairly quickly. Why is this? How does this happen? We have faith that they are real and they are there. That belief and faith in knowing that God is really here with us is profound. Recognize any lack of such faith and pray to our Lord about it. He is here with us. He knows the details and He cares. He has the power to move that, that obstacle, that pain, that impossible thing in front of you. Only God. God will give you the heart to know him more.

Jeremiah 24:7
“Then I will give them a heart to know Me, and they shall be My people, and I will be their God,  for they shall return to Me with their whole heart.”

So as I find God to be even more real to me, I turn to some basics that must be happening. We have talking and we have listening in a relationship, even with God. Talk to and with Him in prayer and listen to His Word daily. If you want to move from “not knowing squat” to knowing our creator and Father in Heaven better, then start today talking and listening to Him with belief that He is absolutely there. Keep learning and growing and be thankful that you are able to do so. I’m a grateful life-learner. Thank you Lord for teaching us and moving in our hearts and minds as only you can!