All to Him I Owe.

For me, I was forever changed literally. A new creation in Christ.  Let’s look at 2 Corinthians 5:17

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”  (2 Cor. 5:17 ESV)

These verses go on to say we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore others to be reconciled to God; verses 19 and 20.  I admit that I cannot fathom all that I owe to Jesus. It’s just not a totality I can humanly grasp. Thank you Jesus! We went to church today as did so many on this Easter Sunday. I just want to share my honest thoughts as I sang and worshiped today. 

I felt so small today as I sang. God was so big to me today. My view of humans didn’t matter much today as I focused on my Lord. I appreciated the work it takes to put a church service and choir together today. We watched a video that said over and over “Sunday is comin’!” This day celebrates the Victory in Jesus over death. That’s not a small thing. It’s everything. Or is it? Is that your everything?  Jesus died for you and arose to defeat death and make a way. Wow! I know my words are short and simple today, but I feel so small. I am in awe.

God, we thank you for saving us and loving us and for Your Higher Ways! You know best. You are almighty! We are mixed in our sadness for the pain on the Cross while we are elated at life everlasting. It just is an awkward way. It’s a beautiful story of love with a “crazy” display of a loving Father giving His only begotten Son.  I just have a hard time grasping it. What I do know is I just trust and obey.  I let go and let God be Who He is.  Thank you Lord. You paid it all.  It’s times like today where I want to be quiet with God and snuggle up to His love. I know I should shout to the world, He is Alive!!! It’s just a huge price. It’s just humbling and amazing. 

He is Alive!!  Jesus Lives!!  King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!