Growing up my family would travel to Cherry Grove in South Carolina to take our annual vacation at the beach. Memories are awesome and so was my “beach fashion.” I wore muscle shirts and tank tops and even a cut off shirt one year!  The beach is a place where I always find peace and solace. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the feeling of the warm sun on my skin, and the vast expanse of the ocean before me always remind me of the greatness of God’s creation.
As I walk along the sandy shore, I am often reminded of the lessons that the Bible teaches us. Looking out past the waves crashing the ocean just keeps going.Just as the ocean is vast and seemingly endless, so too is God’s love for us. The beach is a perfect place to reflect on the power and majesty of God, and to be reminded of his constant presence in our lives.

Learn from the Beach: His Higher Ways


Three Bible lessons that we can review from the beach or ocean are:
1. Trust in God’s timing: Just as the waves come and go in their own time, we must trust in God’s timing for our lives. Sometimes things may not happen as quickly as we would like, but we must have faith that God has a plan for us and that everything will happen in his perfect timing.
2. Be still and know that He is God: The beach is a perfect place to find stillness and quiet amidst the chaos of life. Just as the ocean is calm and peaceful, we too must find moments of stillness to connect with God and hear his voice. Take time to sit by the water, listen to the waves, and be reminded of God’s presence in your life.
3. Let go and let God: Just as the ocean is vast and powerful, so too is God’s love for us. We must learn to let go of our worries, fears, and anxieties, and trust in God’s plan for us. Just as the waves wash away the footprints in the sand, so too can God wash away our sins and burdens, if we only trust in him.
The beach is a beautiful reminder of God’s love and power, and a perfect place to reflect on the lessons that the Bible teaches us. Our God is an awesome God. It just seems to me like he “flexes” even moreso at the beach. Beach life is good also. Relax and talk with God by the sea or wherever you are. And the next time you find yourself by the ocean, take a moment to be still, trust in God’s timing, and let go and let God.