No Doubt, Spiritual Warfare

Today is the perfect day to start.  To start what?  Well, you tell me friends.  What have you wanted to do or needed to do that you put off during Covid or maybe you’ve put it off for years now?  For me, it’s writing and expressing how God is moving in and around me and my life.  He is so real and to many they just don’t have or know the peace and goodness of God.  So let’s start today.  It’s the perfect day to begin afresh and anew.



There will be many setbacks for all of us. Setbacks are the starting line for comebacks!!  Amen?  My excuses and many reasons to not start just don’t hold up. We do what we really want to do and we put time into those things that are often comfortable to us and easy.  I dare you and me to do the hard things today and then again tomorrow.  It’s time to stretch and it’s time to overcome.  And yes it’s a battle.  Spiritual warfare is so real.  Recognize your battles and allow God to fight them.  Lean on God.  Trust God.  Talk to God.  Listen to God.  God is all about handling the hard things. He is our refuge and our rescue.  He is our defender and our power.  You don’t go this alone friends. Check this verse out!

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”  (Ephesians 6:12 ESV)

I always think of the enemy as a prowler lurking and seeking opportunities to destroy.  1 Peter 5:8 says “Be sober-minded; be watchful.  Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”  So, if that’s real to you and me then we absolutely don’t wish to be devoured.  Moreso, we don’t want our families, our children, our friends to be devoured!!  That’s not happening is what we say but when we do the easy and the comfortable then we are not in the fight and the enemy takes his shots at us and those we love.  So, dare to do the hard and start now.  God will make a way and He is with us!!  Go God.  I’m in.