How to Let Go While Holding On.

How to Let Go While Holding On.

What are You Holding On To? To those of you who have controlling personalities, I must admit I can’t relate well to you. I’m a let-it-go person overall…..I think. Letting go while holding on to God is a profound act of trust and faith. It involves...
What are You Living For….Really.

What are You Living For….Really.

It’s a Real Question and a Big One. Thanks for stopping in on this “heavy” question. I will try to not keep it heavy. Let’s be real with the question. What are we living for? I take comfort asking this question as I try to ground myself on what...
Jesus Paid It All

Jesus Paid It All

All to Him I Owe. For me, I was forever changed literally. A new creation in Christ.  Let’s look at 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”  (2 Cor. 5:17 ESV)...
Are You a Fighter?

Are You a Fighter?

No Doubt, Spiritual Warfare Today is the perfect day to start.  To start what?  Well, you tell me friends.  What have you wanted to do or needed to do that you put off during Covid or maybe you’ve put it off for years now?  For me, it’s writing and...
Step Up Your Prayer.

Step Up Your Prayer.

Think about your prayer life and be honest. My prayer life is inconsistent at best. What is a good prayer life? It’s like I have an ongoing conversation with God.  Is that good or bad?  Let’s talk about it. KEY POINTS TO PONDER: Some of you can honestly...