His Timing is Perfect.

(Philippians 2:13) “For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.”  

Who Is OnePastor?

Jesus is our Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:4), our OnePastor. Our eyes and focus are often on more things than Jesus. Why OnePastor? Life is messy at best. With our many distractions, we often get hung up on people, on what we think, and on ourselves.  Most of us have a difficult time being still.  This is a place where we share the valuable lessons God teaches in His Word.



Not Our Way
Not Our Truth
His Higher Ways
Eyes on Jesus




The Mess He Uses….Thankfully!

The Mess He Uses….Thankfully!

God’s Sovereignty and Our Messy Lives: Trusting His Purpose  We are all a mess. Even as Christians, life can feel chaotic and out of control. But God, in His sovereignty, knows exactly who we are and where we are at this very moment. He sees our confusion, our...

God Made Beach Life

God Made Beach Life

Growing up my family would travel to Cherry Grove in South Carolina to take our annual vacation at the beach. Memories are awesome and so was my "beach fashion." I wore muscle shirts and tank tops and even a cut off shirt one year!  The beach is a place where I always...

How to Let Go While Holding On.

How to Let Go While Holding On.

What are You Holding On To? To those of you who have controlling personalities, I must admit I can't relate well to you. I'm a let-it-go person overall.....I think. Letting go while holding on to God is a profound act of trust and faith. It involves releasing the...

What are You Living For….Really.

What are You Living For….Really.

It's a Real Question and a Big One. Thanks for stopping in on this "heavy" question. I will try to not keep it heavy. Let's be real with the question. What are we living for? I take comfort asking this question as I try to ground myself on what life is "really...

Jesus Paid It All

Jesus Paid It All

All to Him I Owe. For me, I was forever changed literally. A new creation in Christ.  Let's look at 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."  (2 Cor. 5:17 ESV) These verses go on...

Are You a Fighter?

Are You a Fighter?

No Doubt, Spiritual Warfare Today is the perfect day to start.  To start what?  Well, you tell me friends.  What have you wanted to do or needed to do that you put off during Covid or maybe you've put it off for years now?  For me, it's writing and expressing how God...

Step Up Your Prayer.

Step Up Your Prayer.

Think about your prayer life and be honest. My prayer life is inconsistent at best. What is a good prayer life? It's like I have an ongoing conversation with God.  Is that good or bad?  Let's talk about it.I Don't Pray. "There are so many distractions!" Prayer Does...

Navigating Grief and Faith: A Tale of Redemption After Suicide Loss

Navigating Grief and Faith: A Tale of Redemption After Suicide Loss

"The Struggle is Real," they say. Indeed, pain and suffering are undeniable realities of life. Yet,amidst the darkest of times, God's presence remains steadfast. For believers, faith often serves as an anchor during trials and tribulations. However, someexperiences...

A Work in Progress.

A Work in Progress.

God is THE AUTHOR Several years ago I received a book on Father's Day entitled Man in the Mirror.  Man in the Mirror. "None good...No, not one." This is a "no bash zone" The Bible versus the world in talking about a good man.  There is none good we know.  That means...

About Us

OnePastor.com is a transformative online platform designed to support individuals in their pursuit of a more meaningful life. We understand that life can be like a captivating story, filled with unexpected twists and turns. That’s why we are here to serve as your guide, helping you uncover the chapters that matter most. Our team is passionate about providing resources, tools, and a community that promotes personal growth, spiritual enrichment, and the importance of being real with God and ourselves. This is also a way to leave lessons and a legacy to generations to come. To God be the Glory…..Forever and Ever.  

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