Discover Jesus

Discover Jesus

A Fresh & New View of Jesus Discovering the Lord Jesus Christ.  You may have met him at a younger age.  Many of you have spent much of your life getting to know HIm more.  Some of you met Jesus later in life. Let’s pray that God gives us a renewed love for...
Open Our Eyes

Open Our Eyes

How Does God Open Our Eyes? Pray and ask God to open your eyes.  We must first want this illumination.  God will prod you on.  Humble yourself and seek His face.  Don’t you want to see God and His truth, His character, His power?  We cannot see these wonderful...
100 % Man……. “Take This Cup From Me!”

100 % Man……. “Take This Cup From Me!”

Thank You For the Cross.   Lord, You are worth following even unto the cross.  We are here in a disrupted time of quarantine and “stay at home” orders.  Churches won’t gather in buildings this Sunday.  Today is called Good Friday.  It’s...
Times Like These

Times Like These

Now This is CRAZY?   We are in unprecedented times with the Corona Virus and “Stay at Home” orders and this just adds to the unrest for many of us dealing daily with what some call a “new normal.”  My counselor never saw this coming when...
A Calming Place

A Calming Place

Self-Discipline and Our Mind Battle Isn’t the NOISE of LIFE overwhelming at times? Our minds are bombarded with so much and it seems more difficult to focus on what matters most.Before we dig into our craziness, let’s check out these verses: Colossians...